Friday, January 24, 2014

Life 3: DayZ giveth, and DayZ taketh away

There was a significant update pushed out to the stable servers since I last played.  It would appear that they took data backups several days ago, as my player has been reverted to when he was injured outside of Polana.  This is an alpha in active development, so things like this happen.  Since I have last played, I also joined a clan in order to have people that I hopefully would be able to trust when playing together.  Its a bit meta, as my character has no way of communicating long distance, but I changed my plans and began to move towards Cherno where they are currently.

Its night time.  The first thing I do, is eat and drink my fill from the food I have, as I am in bad enough shape that its difficult to see with the darkness and blurriness.  I rest for a while, and can feel myself improving.  I am in contact with some potential friends, but they are several kilometers to the southwest around a city known as Cherno.

It is extremely dark.  I have a small flashlight designed to be mounted to a rifle.  I can see the stars in the sky, and the moon is up, but most of the world is simple a silhouette against the night sky.  Once in a while a rock or lightly colored building will reflect the moonlight and become visible.  The light works well, but the cone of light it casts is very narrow.

I get my compass out, and find an angle where it catches enough light to be seen.  I head out in the direction of my contacts.  I follow a road that is leading me south to the coast.  With the cover of darkness, I am not worried about being seen.  I dont even use my flashlight, as I can hear my footsteps on the roadway.  Once in a while I click the light on momentarily to make sure I have not gone astray.

I stop in a small villa that I pass to check for supplies.  I end up defending myself against a few walkers, which proves difficult in the dim light, and I take a few hits.  I bandage my wounds, and uncover some more food, an IV starter kit, and some .357 rounds.

Much of the night is uneventful travel.  Its deceptively peaceful.  I eventually find myself heading down a steep hill.  The reflection of the sea in the moonlight in front of me lets me know I have made it back to the coast.  Cherno is west of here, so I head in that direction.  I stop to check a roadside warehouse on the outskirts of Elektro and I find a fire ax to replace my worn baseball bat.

Elektro is well known to be a dangerous city.  I stop for the night on its outskirts to consider my options.

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