Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Life 3: Third Time is the Charm?

I find myself on a coastline.  There is a city here, and my immediate surroundings are dominated by industrial docks, factories, and cranes.  My instincts obtained from previous incarnations tells me I need to get out of here ASAP, and I know that the woods to the north should be safer.

Im already thirsty.  I decide that I need to get SOME supplies before heading north.  I stick to the coastline to avoid heading into the middle of the city.  I have already heard faint gunshots, so I know I am not alone.  I begin to methodically search the nearest buildings for supplies.  I find a warm hat, and a can opener right away.

I head back downstairs after searching a building, and literally bump into a man with pack holding a mosin nagant rifle.  My tongue catches in my through, and I scramble backwards.  The man throws the rifle over his shoulder and draws a red fire axe into his hands.  Still at a loss for words, the only thing I can think to do is kneel down and put my hands on my head.

"I have nothing" I say.  The man looks me over for a moment, then turns and heads out the door.

I delay a few seconds, then go out of the same door.  There is no sign of the man.  I run to the next building and find a pair of gloves, and a large heavy monkey wrench.  As I exit the building I hear more gunshots, and a zombie scream.  I wait and listen.  These are much closer than before.  I look to the north.  Past a few more industrial buildings is a road, and past the road are a few smaller structures as the terrain moves uphill.  Next is an open expanse with some bushes, and what looks like a farmhouse up on the hill right before the woods get thick.  I decide this is my escape route.

I hear a sound, much closer.  I peek through a hole in the wall and can see a different man with a rifle running around.  He is maybe 50 meters away, and he doesnt seem to see me.  He is moving from my right to my left, and I sit still waiting for him to pass.  

"Go", I think.

I start jogging north.  I pass the first building, and then there are gunshots behind me.  I hear a snap on the ground near me and I pick up my pace into a sprint.  I duck through a fence and try to put cover between myself and whoever is behind me.  Rapid shots now, but they sound more distant.  I reach the road, and continue my sprint without looking anywhere but north.

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